Thursday 24 March 2016


 By Annie Cyriac
The deep -rooted misogyny  in the male psyche evident in a catholic priest’s speech has caused a stir in the social media, recently.
The Deuteronomy in the Old Testament of the Bible gives rules that the Lord commanded through Moses to the people of Israel. The verse taken up by the priest is Deut 22:5, that says “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment.....”The misguided priest, accuses a girl for wearing ‘Jeans’, which is according to him a man’s garb. Where in the Bible is it mentioned that Jeans or pants are  men’s garments? In Kerala men wear ‘Mundu’.The women folk too wore’’ Mundus ‘and ‘Chattas’ before the sari gained popularity. Why then didn’t any priest accuse them for wearing men’s garments?
Another verse, Deut 24:5 says “When a man shall marry, he shall not be liable for any other public duty. He shall be free at home to be happy with his wife.”  I doubt if this same priest who has upheld the previous verse, would obey this command by letting his male employee go free for a year, soon after his marriage.
With the advent of the churidar, the long skirts and blouses that were worn by the teenagers of Kerala in the 70s, took a backseat.  The tight fitting blouses and long skirts were considered by the society then as meek and demure, while the churidar worn without a shawl, which is less offensive, is now frowned upon. Double standards?
The sari, the most accepted attire of the Indian “nari”.... the Indian woman, is in no way less vulgar than the Jeans. In fact it can be more alluring and invite the lurid male gaze to the curves just ‘half hidden from the eye’! But of course when worn properly both the sari and the jeans can make a person look respectable.
Are our men and boys such weaklings as the priest says that they should lose all self control when they encounter a girl in jeans at a place of worship? Shouldn’t we be shifting our focus to “men empowerment” then?
It is blatant misinterpretation, when the priest says that when a man sins, a woman is responsible and should be punished. In Mathew 18:28, Jesus says “ Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a millstone around his neck and drowned in the sea.” Jesus was talking of little children, mind you, not adults.    In Mathew5; 28, it is said that “Anyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out..... “For out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery.......... It is obvious that the unrepentant sinner is to be punished not the cause of the sin!
It is sheer absurdity to blame the women for the waywardness of men. The misogynist priest should be held accountable for voicing his thoughts on impulse. It is like saying that the one who sold the gun should be held responsible for the murder, not the one who pulled the trigger to commit the crime.
In a nationwide survey, it was noted that the burden of morality and social order lay with women. It’s high time we taught our boys to respect all women, young or old and forge healthy relationships.  Gender sensitisation should be introduced in schools.

 Women are not mere objects; there’s a mind in that body and both command respect. Modernity is not just a lifestyle, it’s an outlook. Often men consider independent women who dress in western style as women of low moral character. This mindset should change if we want our daughters to dream big and fly. How can the daughters of India become Tennis stars and Swimming champs, if we hold them back for their apparel?
Of course at educational institutions, work place and places of worship, one should dress by the norm. To my daughters and female counterparts, I’d just say...... wear those tights if you want to show off your slim legs. Avoid it, if it makes you look fat and ugly. And if you are not sure? Ask!

 Wear what you love to wear only if you are sure it suits you. If not, be prepared to bear more misogynist comments. Make wise choices when it comes to your personal attire. After all, it’s a mad bad world out there where a man can get away with rape after blaming a female’s clothes.
 No matter if you are thirty, thirteen or just three.


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    1. Congrats Annie.....many a place, you gave a piece of my mind......sure only if there is attitude change, positive outcome will follow....appreciate your bold and candid style………………….
