Monday 17 October 2016


Talking of name-calling and new gen expletives, a friend of mine remarked how baffled she was by the word “douche bag” that her screenagers hauled at each other.

The savvy kids of the sophisticated world have enough and more cuss words that are in vogue today. But when it comes to name calling at home,I have a penchant for the old fashioned expletive, patti (dog). But woe is me; my own screenagers have picked it up too.
Now, in the world of name calling, patti  is but a crude and uncouth word and douche bag a svelte and not so familiar one, outscores it. But fuming in a fine fit of fury, when my kids get on my nerves, I feel a surge of adrenaline and before I realize it, the abominable word is out of my mouth.

On a mission to deliver our household of this coarse word and fearing that my kids would be considered passé, I have banned it and declared a fine of ten rupees for each utterance of the word. I even suggested scanning the Wimpy kid series for better and more polished alternatives.

Arguments arose in defence “But ma... a dog is man’s faithful friend and calling a person a dog is equal to calling him a faithful friend. No big deal!”
“Arunthathi Roy, won the Booker Prize in spite of using ‘poda patti’ in her book, but when we mere mortals use it, its gross! Not fair!”

Refusing to budge I stuck to my resolution and the rule was there to stay. I know the ban has worked for when I checked the piggy bank a month later, there were just three ten rupee notes........

And regrettably all of them were dropped by me!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha!!! I have a constitutional inability to say cuss-words out loud. This brought to mind my complaints to my mother when my younger sis called me patti. 'Mummy, she called me a D-O-G' is how I used to phrase it!! Still can't say bad words, no matter how angry I am!
